Thursday, 2 December 2010

Important Words!

Important words! Firstly I don’t apologise for sending out and writing about “Social Media” and the importance of it to all of us.

Business along with your private life is changing across the world and certainly in business these four small words are becoming more and more important to us all in one way or another. Already in our personal lives facebook, twitter and blogging etc, have taken hold.

That’s why you all need to ensure that your business is associated and linked up with them.

Network...Social Media...Blog...

Because of the power of the internet and its on-line communities viewed directly through even our mobile phones, that why it so important for us all to be a part.

Why because Businesses are using a Blog to showcase the culture of their company profile and it’s services, Facebook to engage contact through its fan base and followers and Twitter for fast customer service feedback thus building a stronger more powerful relationships through engagement of the network.

Websites are evolving all the time and the way we market ourselves to others has just expanded just like all our vocabularies have.



Changing times for business

Changing times for business, The tools of your business are changing everyday from your office desk, they have rapidly moved on from the office phone the basic computer setup, fax machine and telephone. We are in now in the world of virtual assistants, answering services, integrated e-mails to our mobile phones or PDA’s, office computers linked to our netbooks in the car etc.

This means your office can now be open 24/7 from anywhere in the world whether you like it or not, that’s why it’s now more important to keep in touch with your customers as if you don’t your competitors will.

As small business owners we are in a difficult position the choices that we make mainly decided on the back of lack of time and money. Most people think that asking questions are easy- after all, we ask them every day, don’t we.

But as a business you may have already discovered that choosing the right direction can be a little bit more challenging. One of the ways we at can help you is with a professional bespoke e-mail campaign.

It’s so important not to lose connection with your customers past and present along with your staff and associated companies. Remember one professional e-mail campaign a month can equal more than ten thousand phone calls or words.

More than ever you need to let people know what your business is up to. So please don’t become invisible or even complacent with your customers and staff.

We can help you keep in touch 24/7 with everyone and keep you ahead of your competitors.
