Saturday, 4 December 2010

Company Medical

Company Medical....Is your Company in need of a Medical! As it’s a common misconception that businesses need to spend large amounts of money on marketing to gain the required significant benefits.

This does not have to be the case as a quick health check of your business may show that a little fine tuning of your marketing plan in some areas is all you need.

To gain the maximum benefit for your Business, it’s important to renew and evaluate your plans regularly. As any time and money that you spend on marketing is an investment in your future success. So you need to make sure it’s time and money well spent that’s where we can help and advise you.

The key parts in most business are to satisfy your current customers, encourage past customers and inspire new customers into your business, so have you got clear marketing targets/goals, do you communicate with them regularly and are you using all the technology that’s available to you.

A quick medical every now and again is all you need, it’s just like having your car serviced.


PR - Public Relations

Public Relations. (PR)......You don’t have to spend a fortune to keep your business in the local public eye, with a little time and creativity, you can create effective PR campaigns quickly and cheaply to promote your business or service.

When setting out to promote your business or services, it’s important to be clear about what you are aiming to achieve from the start. You may be looking for increased sales, increased visits to your website or just more awareness to your company’s brand or services.

At lot of people forget that in any Public Relations campaign it always includes a provision for publicity, and being that publicity is the by word of the spreading of information and awareness, these can be used for either your Company Brand name or its products to be promoted.

A PR campaign is just another great way to help build your Brand in the local community, there are loads of different ways to link up in the local community and as I said before you don’t have to spend a fortune to gain results.

Some ways for you to think about, Join social groups and networks, volunteer to speak at local meetings, write press release about your company’s success, get involved in charity work, along with helping out fundraising in your local area are just a few different was to help build your brand in the local community.

Your Public Relations campaign strategy should always be viewed as another part of the marketing jigsaw to keep you ahead of your competitors.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Guerilla marketing it's not for everyone

Guerilla marketing not for everyone.It can be a war zone out there so to make the most of any guerrilla marketing tactics that you use, remember you need to be Creative, Different, Controversial and very Direct in your approach.

Do the unexpected to ensure that you stand out from the crowd, be able to give your business the edge over the competition by sorting out a short term tactical activity strategy to get the right people talking.

Phone the experts for help, we can help your team focus on your target as you need to gain maximum impact through hard hitting direct tactics to ensure that you deliver immediate results to your business.

By planning your campaign carefully by understanding the market, using the right ammunition and tactics to succeed, whether it be the use of Promo Staff on the streets, Banners, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Fly Posting, Human Advertising Boards, Flyers, Leaflets, E-mail Marketing, SMS texting or Telephone sales calls the correct strategy will gain results.

Understanding your target audience is the key to your attack plan once in place you need to ensure that you follow the plan through to the end and remember there is no such thing as bad publicity; all publicity is good publicity if handled in the right manner.
