Saturday, 19 February 2011



What, When, Why and How. Ok up until November 2010 my past experiences of any networking group had been poor, some of that because I personally could not be asked to attend, I was just dragged along as a guest to make the numbers up and see if I was mad enough to join up. The other point was that all anyone wanted to do was to try to sell their business and themselves to you, and then tell you what they had done for other members in the room. Knowing that the service that you were offering did not suit the needs of anyone in the room made it difficult to see the point of attending.

My attitude maybe a bit old fashioned but if someone wants to sell something to me, pick the phone up ask the question, am I interested in ( x ) if yes then maybe we could arrange for them to come and see me, job done.  In my world people buy from people and it’s not what you know it’s who you know.

However I had been told that over the past 5 or 6 years networking meetings had changed but because of the bad experiences in the past I have certainly kept away. Then in November last year I met up with a Stella from AboutMyArea an on-line information website based in Maldon who somehow persuaded me to attend a local networking group in Witham. One of the reasons for going was because Stella was going to start the Maldon Business Networking Group in Maldon based around the Witham setup, little did I know at the time that my thoughts on networking would change.

Stella said it was free to attend, informal no stand up speeches and no one asking directly for work and the coffee was quite good as well, since that day I have now managed to attend a few different types of networking meetings which I have enjoyed. The events that I have attended have all been different, local networking events, council events, FSBessex event and by kind invertatation from Emma at Spectrum Merchandising  to join in at a 4N group breakfast meeting at Maldon golf club.

In mid March I will be attending as a guest a BNI meeting which I have been told will be very different from the bad experiences of the past, but we will see.

An overview of what I have learnt so far in a short time from my local networking experience. I have met some very nice and interesting people from completely different business back grounds, it has generally been very relaxed and social. I have enjoyed listening to other people talk about their industry the good and also some of bad parts without them trying to sell themselves or pushing their business services on to me.

I must say a very big thank you to the persistence of Stella in getting me to join in. If you have never been to a networking meeting, I would urge you to try one out.

To be continued!


Friday, 18 February 2011


Vanishing act!

How visible is your business brand!
Do you stand out from the crowd!

How do people remember you,  what makes you stand out from the crowd, when was the last time you stood back and thought about this in your business.

When was the last time you had a good hard look at your competition, take note of what they are doing and then take the required action to ensure that you have all the cards stacked in your favour to succeed?

These 4 small points below are so vital to learn and understand, once in place your business can push ahead and stay ahead.

1.      What is your business’s unique selling point or points?
2.      Why are you different to the competition?
3.      What are you doing to stay ahead?

The forth one is the one that everyone knows, but in today’s society we are starting to lose control off so please ensure that you don’t let it happen to you.

People buy from people however with trading markets changing because of the internet it’s now more important than ever to have a social media presence. Your staff can’t always engage with your customers directly but with the help of Social media you can start to establish credibility, likeability and trust even before they have had any contact with you or your staff.

In today’s market you need all the Social Media help you can for your business, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, Blog and of course your up to date website.

If you need a hand to stay ahead call Wayne as he will have the answers and solutions under his hat for you. He may even wave his magic wand for you.


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Your Team and Social Media

Your Team and Social Media. Social media along with your team around you are the most important assets in your business, you are the driving force behind your brand, products and services your decisions make an impact directly on the direction of your business you lead from the front make sure your team are behind you.

When was the last time you spent time and money on training within your business and learning about the power of social media, ask your team around you their thoughts. The world is changing so quickly because of the internet, how do you communicate your business message out and don’t do it without spending time and some money on training.

The word “social” = conversation.  You always try and engage in conversation with customers, so also make sure you have conversations with your team around you. Don’t try and do it all on your own.

Participating in any form of social media takes a lot of work and time. First you have to have something to say, and then you need someone or a team of people to say it on a regular basis. It will not happen unless you have someone or a team of people ready to commit a big chunk of time to maintaining your social media presence.

With so many different ways to get connected, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Blogging to name but a few, however make sure you get your strategy in place before you start.

Remember social media remains one of the cheapest and most cost effective way to build relationships, drive traffic to your Blog or Website promote your business brand and services. Take advice, spend some money on training you and your staff, plan a strategy and get going.

When was the last time you had some training?

Conversation and communication is vital, if you need help, training or advice contact us and talk about your business.

Wayne Collier

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Money for FREE

Households will be paid cash rewards to invest in small-scale green energy devices, such as turbines, hydro schemes and solar panels. From 1 April, households that use gadgets up to five megawatts in size – the equivalent of two full-sized wind-farm turbines – will be eligible for the cash.

Under the government-backed scheme, any household or community that installs a green energy device like Solar PV Panels will generate money in three ways:

• A flat rate will be paid directly by their energy suppliers.

• Surplus electricity can be sold into the national grid.

• Savings will be made from reduced energy bills.

The rate of return to households under the government's scheme, which is called "feed-in tariffs", is expected to be between 5 and 8 per cent annually. Green energy groups pointed out this meant there was more money to be made from investing in Solar Panels than from putting savings in a bank account.

The government hopes it will lead to a revolution in the uptake of small-scale Solar PV roof panels, with one in ten households across the UK generating its own green electricity by the end of the decade. Small-scale generation could meet 2 per cent of the UK's electricity needs by 2020, say officials. The rate of return to households under the government's scheme, which is called "feed-in tariffs", is expected to be between 5 and 8 per cent annually.

The government hopes it will lead to a revolution in the uptake of small-scale Solar Panels, with one in ten households across the UK generating its own green electricity by the end of the decade. Green energy groups pointed out this meant there was more money to be made from investing in Solar Energy than from putting savings in a bank account.

For more information please contact 1st Energy at:
or Freephone:  08002988070

This independent article was written on behalf of 1st Energy by Wayne Collier of

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Definitely not just for the Boy's in Maldon.

Definitely not just for the BOY’s in Maldon.

In sport it’s generally regarded that professional boxers are classed as very, very fit athletes from little fly weights up to the biggest of biggest heavy weights.

In Maldon at the Old Ironworks Gym you ladies are very lucky as Adrian and his staff cater for ladies as much as they do us men, with excellent facilities and knowledge to help get you all in shape, have fun, along with high energy music and a great atmosphere.

We all know and appreciate that getting into condition and maintaining a respectable weight can often be tough for all individuals mainly due to boring weary routines, so why not try something different.

A few basic points to remember about any fitness whether male or female..

“Keeping your fitness routines diverse will help keep you motivated”

“The more muscle groups you involve in your activities the more calories you will burn”

All fitness training strengthens, shapes and tones your body while burning calories so why not pop in at the Old Ironworks next time you visit Tesco’s for your shopping and check out their range of services and equipment, from personal training sessions, cardio vascular training, resistance training, kick boxing, boxing speed training, spinning  and much, much more.

Don’t think that body building, martial arts and boxing is just for men the training used in any of these sports can be used to benefit all you ladies out there.

Old Ironworks Gym.  Telephone Maldon 01621 – 840098

This independent article was written
by Wayne Collier of

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Maldon Business Networking: Don't forget your most important meeting this week!

Maldon Business Networking: Don't forget your most important meeting this week!

Maldon networking group

Maldon has a new networking group!!

Friday, 21st January saw the launch of  the Maldon Business Network at the Oakhouse in Maldon High Street. With over 70 local business people attended which was a great turnout all due to the determination and drive of Stella Bradbrook, who organised the event but got her idea into action.

It was wonderful to see so many local business men and women from Maldon and the surrounding area getting together. I was certainly very proud to be mentioned in Stella's speech (I’ve added some of it below). It was great to be a part of it and I look forward to more to come in the future.

Thank you to John Linton of the OAKhouse High Street, Maldon for letting us use his lovely upstairs venue for nothing for our launch. Thank you to Julie Binder of J Binder Design for your help with the website. Thank you to Wayne Collier of WayneCollier Company Limited for helping me with my blog and the prize for the draw. Thank you for Glenn our toastmaster. And a special thanks has to go to Ian Cass who runs the Witham Networking Group for giving me the idea in the first place. Thank you everyone for your kind comments and help Stella.

The Photo shows Stella and Wayne presenting to the prize winner Glen Laing of Innovate FS.

For more information, please take a look at or call Stella at AboutMyArea Maldon and Burnham on mobile number 07860 718845 or E-mail

Hope to see you at the next one.


Tuesday, 1 February 2011